Sunday, June 7, 2020

The New Rules- Set a Routine

Set a Routine:

There's times where it makes sense to hit the reset button. You could do this literally anytime you feel like it, however, times like now create a clearer window of opportunity. I believe this is a great time to look at your routine and set up a plan to manage your personal energy. Hit that reset button.

It's my belief that many people are falling into the same traps that have them starting each day at a disadvantage. The few that have begun to master their morning routine are consistently ahead of everyone else regarding health, personal satisfaction and success. Some people may look like they have it all going for them, but are just really good at covering up the house of cards they live in. I used to be one of these people.

Below is a daily routine as I see it now.  In total, this should be no more than one hour. I've gone into a little more detail on some of the topics below.

Here's a plan: the key is to have a productive day, not a perfect one

1. Sleep 6-8 hoursanyone you know who seems to be doing great on less is either a freak of nature or hiding something
2. Connect with your purpose- take 1 minute to reflect on the one thing you want to accomplish; your big goal
3. Meditation or prayer- spend a few minutes 5 or more
4. Gratitude- write down 3 things you're grateful for
5. Nutrition- plan for the day or review your plan for the week
6. Get outside- see below about being happy
7. Start on your 10k steps- this is your daily goal for overall health and wellness
8. Do something social- right now, that maybe a hug for your loved one, or call your mother
9. Time blockwhat has to get done, do the things you need to do so you can do the things you want to do

On Sleep

The Problem for many people is staying up late then getting up early. The biggest issue here isn't one or the other, it's the combination of the two. It's like when you go out to eat at a restaurant. It's ok to have an appetizer. It's ok to have a drink. It's ok to even have dessert occasionally. The problem is when you indulge in more than one thing. Your waistline really doesn't do well with appetizers and dessert.

Decide which one you can give up. The most successful will be the one that you are more confident in doing. When in doubt, go to bed earlier. Sleep advice, sleep trackers, and sleep coaches are very in vogue right now. The research is pretty clear. The headlines are out there..."less than 6 hours of sleep is just as bad as smoking" "poor sleep can lead to heart disease" Decide when you need to get out of bed, and work backwards. Get yourself to 7-8 hours of bed time (not necessarily sleep).

Pro tip: why have wasted time in bed?
Instead of hitting the snooze, set your 
alarm for a time when you want your 
feet to hit the floor. You'll feel better if
you're sleeping those extra 15 minutes
instead of lightly dozing.

On Meditation

This is by no means an definitive guide to meditation. It's what I believe to be the important points and a quick start. For more check out this from Calm. The goal of meditation is to find a way to bring your subconscious thoughts to the forefront. The goal is not to completely quite your mind to a blank space of no thought, but instead to disappear from the outside influences and allow the many voices in your head to become narrowed. Let your thoughts run, and as they do, just listen. Simply pay attention. Give attention to your thoughts, and if you're not sure where to start, I believe the best way to start is to find genuine gratitude. Think of something you are immensely grateful for and let it captivate your soul. 

On getting outside 

This isn't just about sleep. Getting outside early in the morning has a ton of benefits. There are photo receptors in your eyes and skin that signal very good things to your brain. In fact, these cells may link directly to the parts of your brain responsible for making you feel happy or sad. Here's an NPR article explaining the link between shorter days and seasonal depression. If you're happy, you're more likely to be in a parasympathetic state (rest and digest). If you pay attention to the sights and sounds of nature, you'll also be more parasympathetic and ready to make good decisions for the day!

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