Friday, August 22, 2014

Fats and Happiness Introduction

Hello e3 Fam! Last night marked a new beginning to e3's Nutrition Accountability Group as we discussed not only the importance and benefits of consuming healthy fats daily, but also looking within ourselves to start viewing the world in a more positive point of view. By having a positive mental attitude and finding happiness first, success will soon follow. As a group we began a journey into changing our mindset. And like I said last night, this will not happen in one day. The journey into positive thinking may take weeks, months, maybe even years, but know that it is possible. That change is possible. Neuroplasticity. And to review, the first step is relinquishing control and TRUSTING that all will be okay. You must let go of your need for control over food and the control that food has over you. TRUST that if worse comes to worse and you mess up on your nutrition, that everything will okay. Move on, get back on track, don't dwell on it. You're still an awesome person and we still love you! Second, being AWARE. Become mentally aware of when negative thoughts and emotions come up. It's only once you become more AWARE that you can begin empowering yourself to CHANGE those thoughts effectively to ones that make you and everyone around you feel better. To learn more on how to start incorporating strategies to change your mindset into positive thinking join us next time on August 21, 2014 at 6:30 pm. Also the next lesson to be discussed will be "All About Vitamins & Minerals." In strength and happiness, Coach Anjo!

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